Your posts look more elegant if you added your personal signature below your every posts, here's how we do it!
1. Go to mylivesignature website and create and generate your signature code.
2. Backup your template. recomended
3. Go to layout tab "Edit HTML".
4. Expand widget templates.
5. Paste your generated signature code below the following:
6. Save your template.
You can change it with your custom signature by replace mylivesignature generated code with the following:
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;">
<img border="0" src="YOUR IMAGE URL"/>
The bold text represent text align you wanna use.
Have fun..
This is little tricky but I wanted to give it a try. What if someone wanted to add an image in the signature ? Is there any tool to do this task ?
digital signatures